About me
Hey world! I’m somebody that has finally started fighting for their passion.
Talking about myself is always a challenge. I much prefer to blend in the background; I’m not the type that relishes attention. So, I guess I’ll start by presenting some basic facts about myself:
- Kav
- 27 years old
- Born and raised in Surrey (just south of London)
- Have a BSc in Business Management (Lancaster Uni)
Throughout my early adulthood, I’ve done things in an attempt to build confidence; I’ve done what I thought was necessary to build a happy and successful future:
Going to university, preparing for a professional accounting qualification…
These are all things that I felt I needed to do. Yet, as I dug deeper it became increasingly obvious that:
Your purpose should be where your passion lies. Aligning the two is worth risking everything…

My passion
So what is my passion? It’s certainly not accounting. After lying to myself for 5 years I can confidently confess that to the world.
When I was 19, a weekend visit to Switzerland changed the course of my life. I met so many good people and yet none of this would have been possible had they not been able to speak to me in English.
Something flicked in my head. It was from that moment onwards that I began my own language endeavour.
This was an instant change – an epiphany. For me, it was like listening to music for the first time. I knew that it would be a part of my life.
A year later in February 2016, I would reluctantly fly to Medellin.
This was despite all the fears, all my loved ones telling me not to go…
Going to Medellin was the best thing I ever did!
In 2016 I would spend 4 months there, at the tender age of 21.
This was before Colombia had signed its historic 2016 peace deal; the city of eternal spring still didn’t really know what a tourist was.
In those 4 months my Spanish had hugely improved to an intermediate level.
More importantly, I was able to flourish. A foreigner going to Colombia alone was a mission delegated for the brave and/or insane.
Well, I thrived there (before it became cool). It gave me a lot of confidence and allowed me to really come into my own!
Since that time I’ve returned to Medellin many times. I’m still infatuated and spend a great deal of my free time learning as much I can about it. It’s my passion.

About Method
This domain is dedicated to all things Medellin. Although leaders in the field already serve this function – Medellin is my passion. It changed my life for the better. In turn, it’s my desire to return the favour.
That brings us to the second function of MethodMedellin:
To inspire others to come to Medellin and gain something valuable from doing so. There’s a lot of ways that coming here, from the Western world in particular, can positively impact your life.
It can be a hard notion to swallow. I mean, after all, how many times have you been encouraged to come to Colombia, especially for self-growth?
Probably not many times. 6 years ago – never!
As Medellin advances from the stifling horrors of its past, there is a lot of work required to:
- Shake the shackles of its past
- Clear the reputation of Medellin
- Inform people of the reality of being here
- Explore the opportunities that have either been hidden or unavailable until now.