10 Reasons Why You Should Visit Medellin

How things change. Not long ago it would have been hard to justify any reason to visit Medellin. Nowadays, it’s harder to think of reasons not to. Check out our top list of why you should visit Medellin.

By Kaveh Paymayesh

In recent times, Medellin represented the worst of Colombia. Here in 2022 things couldn’t be any more different; Medellin has swiftly evolved into the Colombian place of choice. People are flocking here from all corners of the country, and even the world. 

Here are 7 reasons why you, yes you, should also visit this transformed city:

1). It's now possible...

For a very long time, Colombia wasn’t even an option for travel. Plagued by violence and turmoil, Medellin’s potential as a tourist destination had long been stifled.

That’s no longer the case, Medellin is a hungry new contender on the map. With each passing year, it continues to welcome more foreign visitors. That’s no accident, but instead the result of a city that’s made massive strides in its security, appeal and credibility.

You should come to Medellin to experience first-hand the fruits of its hard labour: the world’s most dangerous city just 25 years ago, but one that now teems with passion and renaissance.

We’re talking about a city that no longer scares people away, but one that now attracts them to visit from all over. 

That’s called progress – evidence of it can be found everywhere you look. 

2). Obviously for the climate

Appropriately tagged as the ‘City of Eternal Spring’ – Medellin is home to a climate that is as unique as it is adored. Its proximity to the equator combined with an altitude of 1,500m makes for consistently excellent weather. 

Enjoy the year-long sunshine that comes with being in the tropics whilst avoiding all that unwanted humidity and excess heat. Medellin’s climate is indeed very distinctive.

It does rain, a lot! Fear not though, as it tends to be heavy but quick, with downpours often localized to small areas at a time. It’s not like where I’m from in the UK where rain is unending. There are two rainy seasons to be aware of:

  • April – May
  • October – November

Find yourself struggling with the polarity of weather in the Northern Hemisphere? Me too, visit Medellin and experience for yourself the Goldilocks of weather.

A downpour in Medellin
A localized downpour - still sunny from where the photo was being taken

3). To thrive amongst rich biodiversity

My thoughts on this are simple…

We are humans; humans are supposed to be immersed in nature. Things go wrong when we aren’t. Cities continue to host a growing percentage of us on this planet, and in turn we are becoming more vulnerable to the damages of that separation with mother nature.

Medellin is however a city where urban development unites with the natural world, offering the best of both! Experience life in a bustling city whilst being in the midst of a richly thriving, bio-diverse environment.

For the majority of visitors that I’ve asked, Medellin is the greenest city they’ve been to. The lush neighbourhood of El Poblado is hidden under one large canopy. Have a look below!

Aerial view of El Poblado illustrating the blend between careful urban design and rich terrain
Cesar Girolimini | Shutterstock

Notice how you can’t see any roads in the photo? That’s because they’re hiding under a dense canopy of tropical trees, many of which are endemic to and only found in Colombia.

And all that greenery doesn’t come without fauna. Wildlife is absolutely abundant and thriving here. Bird lovers are in for a treat – you don’t have to look far to find exotic birds such as Macaws, which can often be seen from the view of one’s apartment. Visit Medellin and experience a simpler, more profound sense of happiness.

Paulo Cepeda | Shutterstock
Paulo Cepeda | Shutterstock

4). To experience the warmth of the Paisas

Who could better represent the beautiful land of Antioquia than the Paisas?

Friendly, fiercely proud and incredibly resilient, the inhabitants of Medellin mirror the beauty of Medellin’s landscapes with their warmth and hostility.

It’s an integral feature of the culture for people to be kind and affectionate – something that’s immediately noticeable upon brief interaction. It’s not uncommon for Paisas to go out of their way to help you.

Also, despite its growing population, Medellin has retained it’s village-like atmosphere of intimacy.

If you are shy or reserved (like I was, having grown up in London) then coming here will be a welcome change. Unlike in London, it’s not weird to strike conversation with random people. 

The first time I visited Medellin, I was blown away by the openness of its people. It actually helped me to overcome my own social anxiety by realizing that social norms are relative. Just because certain things are weird in one corner of the world doesn’t mean that they are elsewhere. Coming here gives that perspective!

Despite its proximity to the US, Medellin hosts a culture that couldn’t be further apart in its characteristics.

For this reason, there is a juxtaposition that is absolutely worth coming to visit. You deserve it!

5). For the coffee

Recognizable in every corner of the globe – that prestigious Colombian label that we all know and love. It’s the beverage that powers the working world, COFFEE!

As a commodity that’s deeply involved in our lives, it’s striking how disconnected we are from it’s roots (no pun intended). The majority of daily coffee drinkers in the US will have never actually seen a coffee plant, never tasted it in its native soil…

If you, like me, like many of us, are indebted to this wonderful ally –  for its helping hand over the years, then you MUST come here!

Consider it paying homage.

Seriously though, it goes without saying that you’ll be in for a treat. As Medellin grows into a travel hotspot and re-constructs its identify, coffee has quickly become an integral part of that process.

Whether you’re immersed in a local tour, or simply enjoying a premium cup in one of Medellin’s many cafes, you owe it to yourself to visit this coffee-heaven!

Coffee plant amongst a rich biome - visit Medellin for its coffee

6). For the Spanish immersion

Medellin is one of the best destinations in the world to learn Spanish – not that I’d expect you to know that…

A dark and destructive past stopped the city from sharing its strengths with the world. People coming here to learn Spanish, well, that never really happened. Not until recently, that is.

Low English proficiency alongside an extremely open culture provide that perfect 1-2 combo for those serious about picking up the lingo. 

And maybe you should be serious about it too; for us English speakers, Spanish is the most important language for global communication and travel.

Let’s face it, we’re lazy when it comes to language. That’s why, in my experience, people learn far quicker in Medellin than anywhere else that I’ve seen. 

That’s because you’ll be thrown in the deep end, IMMERSED. It’s effective, it’s life-changing, it makes you feel alive. Come visit Medellin and you’ll be surprised with how much linguistic growth you can achieve.

Oh yeah – did I mention that the accent is absolutely delightful? I’m so glad I learnt here because the Spanish is as clearly spoken as it is charming.

7). To keep your wallet happy

Medellin is one of the cheapest ‘developed’ cities in the world. For those coming from the US or Europe, don’t think this doesn’t translate to a drop in life quality!

Increased purchasing power will allow you to:

  • Stay in more lavish accommodation
  • Have more assistance at home in the form of a cleaner/cook
  • Use taxis more liberally without worrying about the cost
  • Have more disposable income on leisure/eating out.

8). To fall in love with the rhythm

“Music is life itself” – which is perhaps partly why people visiting Medellin for the first time are so shocked.

We’ve all done it; we’ve all painted a morbid image of Medellin, based on our expectations, based on what we’ve been told and warned about.

The reality is that Medellin is a city of immense joy, one that celebrates life; music is the mighty instrument used to make that clear.

A visit to this marvellous destination will expose you to a new world of rhythm; stuff that stretches way beyond our common knowledge of salsa and reggaeton. Here are some notable genres that you’ll often hear:

  • Vallenato
  •  Cumbia
  • Bachata
  • Merengue 

Colombia has contributed massively to the Latin music scene – Medellin itself has churned out some leading artists such as J-Balvin, Maluma and Nicky Jam. All of whom are a testament to the city’s love for music.

You’ll be hard-pressed to find a place that relishes music as much as Medellin. It can be heard everywhere! Whether you’re in a taxi, passing a street vendor, or even in the park, music is deeply meshed into the city.

The resulting vibe is one that feels new and exotic. The prevalence of upbeat music playing at any given time is something that makes Medellin awesome!

9). To indulge in the nightlife

If you like to party then you need to visit Medellin for its epic nightlife. Medellin has rapidly emerged as the Latin hub in this respect. People are now flocking from all corners to experience it first-hand.

And it makes sense right? For a city of its size, Medellin manages to pack in 5 distinct party zones; all of which accommodate for varying budgets and preferences.

Warm climate, beautiful women, a deep infatuation with music – these are the converging factors that make Medellin so idyllic for nightlife.

Yes – dancing is a huge part of life in Colombia, but fear not if that’s not your thing. There are plenty of options for those that would rather avoid dancing.

If your idea of nightlife entails any of the following: sinking some with the boys, karaoke, eating out, language exchange, playing pool then yeah, Medellin’s got you covered! In fact, all of that can be done in the Zona Rosa – Parque Lleras which is the biggest hub for nighttime fun. 

There is something for everyone. Even my 70-year-old dad enjoyed the nightlife during his visit.

Come visit the BBC in Lleras.
The Bogota Beer Company (BBC) serves a selection of tasty beer on draft.

10). To serve your entrepreneurial interests

Over the last 5/6 years, Medellin has been visited by many entrepreneurial minds. Plenty of them is now settled and permanently residing in the city.

Originally drawn in by the comfort and low cost of living, it didn’t take long for a community of entrepreneurs to establish themselves in Medellin.

We’re together, in this mystic region of the globe; a place that we were told was too risky to venture to.

Risky or not, we all ended up here. We’re all Gringos, we’ve all ventured out into the scary unknown, together.

Well, it’s for that very reason there’s plenty of empathy within the community. 

And oh, what a good community to be part of… People here are having all kinds of fun – making money in ways that grant incredible freedom; the ability to earn from this tropical paradise where the cost of living is low.

During my time in Medellin, I’ve met people having success with:

  • Digital/Social Media Marketing
  • Daytrading
  • Crypto investments
  • Influencing (Social Media)
  • Blogging
  • Working from home (lots of programmers)

Post-covid, the ability to break off from the 9-5 has never been greater BUT as they say:

You’re a product of your environment.

If you, yourself are interested in growing as an entrepreneur then this is a place I recommend visiting.

Not only will you be able to network with real go-getters, but you’ll likely meet some good friends, too!

As mentioned, Medellin is an intimately sized city that feels like a pueblo (village) in spirit.

It’s not hard to feel the presence of the community if looking in the right places. Typical channels to explore include:

  • Facebook groups
  • Reddit
  • Co-working spaces or international restaurants/bars. Take a walk around the Primer Parque de Laureles!

So? Visit Medellin in 2022. You’ll fall in love with the city, just as thousands have before you.


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